Perennials Open May 1, 2025

Garden, Woodland, and Native Ferns

Though we grow about 10 different ferns each year, they take about two growing seasons to produce. Therefore we don't display all of these ferns every year. Either call or email to find this year's offering.

Autumn Fern (var. Brilliance) - Dryopteris erythrosora -18-24"
One of the most popular ferns, new fronds are copper-colored.

Christmas Fern - Polystichum acrostichoides - 24"-48"
Evergreen, dark green leathery fronds, tolerates some sun.

Cristata Male Fern -Dryopteris filix-mas - 2'-3'
Light green crested evergreen fronds.

Dixie Wood Fern - Dryopteris x australis - 3'-4'
Tall, Sword-like fronds, Dramatic. Semi-evergreen.

Ghost - Athyrium 18-24 inches
Distinctive silver foliage

Japanese Painted Fern - Athyrium 12"-18"
var. Applecourt - Fronds green, brown & silver with crested tips
Var. Regal Red - predominantly red fronds with silver and bronze

Ostrich Fern - Matteuccia struthiopteris 2-3''
The King - Large plume-like fronds, light green, very showy.
Most distinct fiddleheads in spring.

Robust Male Fern - Dryopteris Felix-mas "Robusta" 4'

Victoria Fern - Athyrium Felix-femina 18"-24"
magnificent frond architecture, containing unique criss cross pattern, stunning rich green.