First: 2025 Shrubs, Then: All Flowering Perennials 2025 | |||
Attention! Astilbes, Hostas, Hydrangeas, Ground Covers, and Ferns, - ALL have separate lists - see Products Page 2025 Shrubs and Evergreens Arborvitae - Thuja Fire Chief - 4 x 4ft. copper colored Green Giant - 20 - 30ft. Leprechaun - 6 - 8ft. Little Giant - 3 - 4ft. Pancake - 2 ft. globe Aronia melanocarpa Autumn Magic - Fantastic Native. Spring and Fall color, winter berries for the birds! Boxwood Winter Gem 2-3' (sold out 2025) Independence - 3' round 'New Gen' Freedom 'New Gen' - 4 to 5' tall Dappled Willow (Salix) Hakaro Nishiki False Cypress (4 ft.) King's Gold - threadlike foliage Vintage Gold - Fan-like foliage Fothergilla - Witch Alder gardenii - 2 - 3ft. Ilex - Inkberry Holly Strongbox - 2 - 3ft. Itea (Sweetspire) Little Henry Lilac (Dwarf 3-4 ft.) Palibin Leucothoe axillaris Squirt - Shade Understory Evergreen 2' copper colors in foliage Nine Bark (Physocarpus) Lady in Red Spirea - all 3 to 4' round Gold Mound Little Princess Magic Carpet Doubleplay Gold Syringa m. Palibin - miniature Lilac to 30in. Thuja - Arborvitae - upright pyramidal Fire Chief - 4 x 4ft. copper colored, unique shrub Green Giant - 20 - 30ft. Leprechaun - 6 - 8ft. Little Giant - special scalloped foliage to 4ft. Pancake - Miniature (18") rounded blue/green ball Viburnum Blue Muffin - copious blue berries in summer Popcorn - showy white ball of flowers in Spring Spice Girl - extremely pleasing fragrance Winterthur - white flowers, red fall color Dwarf - 6' tall Weeping White Pine Pinus strobus Pendula Weigela Sonic Bloom - Pink - 4' round All Flowering Perennials 2024 Achillea (Yarrow) Little Moonshine Little Strawberry Seduction 1 ft. New Vintage Rose Ajuga Black Scallop Chocolate Chip Parrot Paradise - New! gold leaves Agastashe (Hyssop) Blue Fortune (Blue Giant Hyssop) Golden Jubilee Morello - New! Alchemilla (Lady's Mantle) Mollis "Auslese" Allium Senescens (Flowering Onion) var. Glaucum - 1'pink, petite Millinium - 20in. deep rose Amsonia (Blue Star) Blue Ice Hubrichtii Anemone Honorine Jobert - white blooms Summer Robustissima - pink blooms fall Sylvestris - white,prolific spring blooms, repeat bloom fall Asclepias (Butterfly Weed) tuberosa (Butterfly Weed) Aquilegia (Columbine) Kirigami Mix Aralia Sun King Asters - Native Lateriflorus - Lady in Black Winston Churchill Special Late Blooming Asters - Native (Zone 4) Karmijn Milka Monte Casino Astrantia major Florence - very soft pink Pink Pride - Lovely Pink Primadonna - red Baptisia (False Indigo) Alba Australis Dutch Chocolate Purple Smoke Solar Flare Sphaerocarpa - yellow Twilight Prairieblues Belamcanda (Blackberry Lily) Freckle Face Brunnera Alexander's Great Jack Frost Silver Hearts Buddleia (Butterfly Bush) Buzz Ivory (dwarf) Buzz Hot Raspberry (dwarf) Buzz Sky Blue (dwarf) Chrysalis Cranberry - Adorable New Cranberry Miniature Grand Cascade - 5 ft. Little Rockstars White - Adorable New White Miniature Royal Red - 7 ft. Wisteria Lane - 3 ft. Calamint -2 ft. showy Blue Cloud White Cloud Caryopteris (Bluebeard) divaricata "Snow Fairy" Longwood Blue - 2ft. sub-shrub Fall-flowering, stunning color Ceratostigma (Leadwort) Plumbaginoides Cimicifuga ramosa (Bugbane, Snakeroot-Black) Hillside Black Beauty Clematis paniculata - vigorous Sweet Autumn - white - fall flowering Clematis viticella Betty Corning - Native -delicate - soft blue - summer, fall flowering Coreopsis (Tickseed) Crazy Cayenne Daybreak Moonbeam Route 66 - not every year Delphinium Summer Nights Magic Fountains mix Dicentra spectrabilis (Bleeding Heart) Gold Heart Stuart Boothman - New, wonderful Native selection Echinacea (Coneflower) Adobe Orange Double Scoop Cranberry Fiery Meadow Mama Kismet Red Magnus Poco Hot Coral Pow Wow Wild Berry Pretty Parasols Rainbow Marcella White Swan Eupatorium Euphoria Ruby - True Miniature 1ft. Joe Pye Weed rugosum "Chocolate" - None in 2025 purpureum "Little Joe" Gaillardia Burgundy Galium - (Sweet Woodruff) Odoratum Gazania Colorado Gold Geranium (Crane's Bill) Azure Rush - compact form of Rozanne Album Biokovo Brookside Karmina Max Frei New Hampshire Purple (magenta) Rozanne Striatum Helenium (Helen's Flower) Salsa - red/orange Helianthus (Perennial Sunflower) Salicifolius "First Light" Salicifolius "Low Down" Helleborus (Lenten Rose) Color descriptions only here- Different cultivar names every year Ice'n Roses Pink Ice'n Roses Red Ice'n Roses Rose Ice'n Roses White Heliopsis (False Sunflower) Bleeding Hearts Burning Hearts Summer Nights - dug from perennial bed $25.00 ea. Hemerocallis (Daylily) Award Winning Varieties for the Collector: Adorable Tiger Apricot Sparkles Bela Lugosi Big Time Happy Black Eyed Susan Blackthorne Breathless Beauty Chicago Apache Chicago Sunrise Daring Deception Earlybird Cardinal El Desperado Elegant Explosion Funny Valentine Holiday Song Ice Carnival Handwriting on the Wall Inwood Marquee Moon Midnight Raider Mighty Chestnut Monterey Jack Passionate Returns Prairie Bella Prairie Wildfire Rasberry Ruffles Rasberry Suede Rolling Thunder Scottish Fantasy Steeple Jackie Stephanie Returns Stolen Treasure Strawberry Candy The Jury's Out Hemerocallis (Daylily) Classic Series - Tried and True Favorites Catherine Woodbury Evening Gown Gentle Shepherd Hal's Pink Happy Returns Pardon Me Purple D'Oro Stella D'Oro Heuchera (Coral Bells) Amythyst Grande- New Extra Large Sized Landscaping Variety Autumn Bride Caramel Citronelle Fire Alarm Forever Purple Forever Red Paris Red Lightning Silver Scrolls Tokyo Hibiscus Kopper King - None in 2025 Purple Hearts - Intense RED summer flowers, reblooms in Fall Iris ensata varigata Kalimeris incisa "Blue Star" integrifolia "Daisy Mae" Kniphofia (Red Hot Poker) tritoma "Flamenco mix" Lamiastrum (Yellow Archangel) Galeobdolan "Herman's Pride" Lavandula (Lavender) angustafolia Munstead angustafolia Provence x intermedia Grosso intermedia Phenomenal Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy) Becky Real Charmer Real Galaxy Real Gold Snow Cap Liatris Kobold Alba - white Ligularia Stenocephala - Little Rocket Dentata - Britt Marie Crawford - highly-prized Lonicera (Honeysuckle) aka. "Humming Bird Trap" sempervirens "Major Wheeler" Mertensia Virginica - Rare Native (summer dormant) Virginia Bluebells Monarda (Beebalm) Jacob Cline Rasberry Wine Nepeta (Catmint) Blue Wonder Junior Walker Walker's Low Pachysandra Green Sheen - the prettiest of all pachysandra Variegata and several other varieties grown to order -please allow 8 weeks lead time Paeonia (Peonies) Alerti Alexander Fleming Best Man Big Ben Bowl of Beauty Bowl of Love Bunker Hill Catarina Fontijn Celebrity Duchesse de Nemours Eden's Perfume Felix Crousse Henry Bockstoce Inspector Lavergne Jacorma Kansas Karl Rosenfeld Krinkled White Many Happy Returns Marie Lemoine Mme. Emile Debatene Monsieur Jules Elie Paul M. Wild Paula Fay Raspberry Sundae Sarah Bernhardt Scarlet O'Hara Shirley Temple Sorbet Suzie Q Coral Peonies - limited numbers Coral Sunset Coral Supreme Pink Hawaiian Sunset Peonies: Itoh Varieties - limited numbers Bartzella Callie's Memory Julia Rose Perovskia (Russian Sage) Upright Atriplicifolia - 3 - 4 ft. Little Spire - 2 ft. Rocketman - 3+ ft. Phlox David Flame Purple Cover Girl Glamour Girl Uptown Girl Nicky Nora Leigh Starfire Physostegia (Obedient Plant) Pink Manners Platycodon (Balloon Flower)-8 to 12" Astra Pink Astra Blue Pop Star Pink - large star-pointed flowers Porteranthus trifoliatus- Rare Native Sub-shrub Bowman's Root Pink Profusion - $69.95 white - $39.95 Pulmonaria (Lungwort) Rasberry Splash Shrimps on the Barbie Trevi Fountain Rudbeckia (Black Eyed Susan) American Gold Rush - (dwarf) - spectacular flower count - 18in. tall fulgida Goldsturm Salvia (Meadow Sage) Nemerosa Blue Hill Blue Marvel Caradonna East Friesland Lyrical Blues Lyrical Rose Snow Hill Sisyrinchium (Blue Eyed Grass) angustifolium Lucerne Solidago - Native - fall flowering Fireworks -3 ft. Little Lemon -1 ft. Stachys (Lamb's Ear) Helen Von Stein Hummelo Silver Carpet Stokesia (Stoke's Aster) Blue Frills - exclusively at Rainbow Perennials $ 19.95ea. Syneilesis acontifolia (Shredded Umbrella Plant) RARE Shade Plant - striking spring presentation! $39.95ea. Teucrium (Germander) - semi evergreen Sub-Shrub 14" Chamaedrys - Pink Flowers all summer- use to border herb garden Thyme - custom grown, to order allow 6 weeks, 50 plant min. Albiflorus Archer's Gold Doone Valley Elfin Magic Carpet Pink Chintz Tiarella (Foamflower) Brandywine - striking burgundy leaf markings Running Tapestry - readily sends out runners with baby plants Vernonia (Ironweed) - not every year Iron Butterfly Lettermanii Veronica (Speedwell) Creeping Georgia Blue Upright-extremely long-blooming in summer Mauve Moody Blues -18" Red Fox -1 ft. Royal Candles -1 ft. Veronicastrum (Culver Root) Virginicum Yucca (Northern Evergreen Yucca) Color Guard - Green and Yellow blades with red in cold temps. |